

What is a SAH?

What does a SAH do?

What does the SAH Association do?

Does the SAH Association sponsor refugees?

How do I get involved in sponsorship?

How do I find a sponsor?

How do I sponsor someone?


What is a SAH?

– A SAH is a refugee Sponsorship Agreement Holder; an organization that has an agreement with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to sponsor refugees from overseas to come to Canada as permanent residents. You can find more information on the About page, CIC’s website and the website of the RSTP (Refugee Sponsorship Training Program).

What does a SAH do?

– A SAH forms, trains, coordinates and supports multiple sponsoring or constituent groups to do the work of resettlement of refugees. A SAH is responsible for the necessary paperwork for a refugee sponsorship to be submitted to CIC and monitors a case’s progress as it is being processed and then during the settlement period.

What does the SAH Association do?

– The SAH Association provides support to the 86 organizations that are involved in the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. There is an annual conference to facilitate the work of SAHs and the sharing of information with CIC. The SAH Association elects a council that meets regularly with CIC (quarterly, face to face, monthly via teleconference, and as needed by email) to discuss the various aspects of the PSRP.

Does the SAH Association sponsor refugees?

– No. The SAH Association does not sponsor refugees. The Association’s work is to support the Sponsorship Agreement Holder organizations in their work of sponsoring refugees. The individual SAH organizations sponsor refugees for resettlement.

How do I get involved in sponsorship?

– There are a variety of ways to be involved in refugee sponsorship. Contact one of the organizations to get in touch with someone directly yourself, or get in touch with the SAH Association and we will try to connect you with an organization that works where you are.

How do I find a sponsor?

– If you do not live in Canada, do you have friends or family that live in Canada? If you do, you should contact them and ask them to look in the community where they live. They will have to contact a settlement agency or cultural organization or religious group to see if they can help find an organization that sponsors refugees. This may take some time and a number of phone calls, conversations, emails, letters etc.

How do I sponsor someone?

– If you live in Canada and want to sponsor someone, start in the community where you live. Contact a local settlement agency or cultural or religious group to see if they can help you find an organization that sponsors refugees where you live. This may take some time and a number of phone calls, emails, letters and conversations, etc. You may even be starting something new in the community where you live.